Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day ten- idle in idyllwild

Today was a day to rest heal and eat lots of food. Everyone seemed to take a zero day in idyllwild since it's so hiker friendly. My day was well spend. I got a nice shower, did laundry, and ate a much as humanly possible. We got in to town around 630 before anything was open thanks to a ride from a very nice older man with a big suv. So we sat around for a half hour and then ate a breakfast at Jo'ans. I had a huge breakfast burrito and a couple sides of hash browns. Then we got our laundry an shower done and I had a whole 20 inch pizza. And finally after a little messing around on the computer I had a cheeseburger curly fries and a milkshake. After my day of gorging I will hit the trail tomorrow fresh and ready to conquer the feared fuller ridge. Brian is staying here an extra day so I will have to find a new hiking companion.

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